About Me: I’ve been teaching ESL since 1990! I started teaching without any formal qualifications other than a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Public Relations at a Sporting Goods Company in Germany. I enjoyed it so much that I went on to get a certificate in TESOL and then went on to earn my Masters Degree in Linguistics/ TESOL. Since 1990, I’ve taught primarily Customized Workplace English, but have also taught general Adult Ed classes, Specialized courses (e.g. ESL for construction, for Industrial sewing, for Pharmacy Technicians, and for U.S. Citizenship ). I’ve taught ESL part-time for several institutions, but have been with the Literacy Center of West Michigan the longest since 2002!
Hobbies: I love reading, hiking, traveling (can’t wait for this virus to be under control, so I can travel again!), needlepoint, and knitting (although I am not that great at it!). I also adore my puppy and cat and enjoy spending time with them and my beautiful daughter and adventurous husband.
My favorite parts of the job/what I look forward to: I love my career! I love meeting people from all over the world and helping them learn and successfully communicate in English. I am happy to help them become more confident and involved at their work and in our community, so they can lead happy and satisfying lives here in the U.S.