The Empower of Language.

Since our founding in 1986, the Literacy Center of West Michigan has been working alongside community members as they improve their reading and language skills. Our work is deeply grounded in the belief that West Michigan will thrive only when we can access the assets of all our community members.


Our Mission

Our mission is to bring about a just and vibrant West Michigan through the power of literacy. This will only be possible when literacy levels are high, thus unleashing the full potential of all members of our community.

Our Method

We offer a variety of literacy programs for adults who read below a 9th grade level and/or who don’t speak English as their first language. This is only possible through the commitment of our volunteer tutors and the generous financial support of our donors and partners.

By the Numbers


employers and organizations have engaged our services


is the yearly cost of educating one learner

300 Volunteers

are donating their time as tutors

764 Learners

went through our programs in the last year

1 in 8

area adults struggle with literacy

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