About: Laurie Zarzecki Emelander has been with the Literacy Center since 1994 and is the Finance Director. She has a Bachelor of Arts degree from Aquinas College with a double major of Business Administration and Religious Studies. Laurie represents the Literacy Center and other West Michigan nonprofit organizations on the statewide 501 Alliance Board of Directors. With her second major, she volunteers as an adult catechist and is on the Pastoral Council at her church.
Hobbies: Outside of work and volunteering, Laurie enjoys reading, biking, hiking, and skiing.
Favorite part of the job: Laurie loves her job! She loves constructing budgets and making things balance. She loves presenting good, reliable financial data. But what makes all of that deeply meaningful to her is seeing first hand (tutoring) what our mission is all about. Helping the learners she has had work toward their goals and hearing the stories of other learners’ success and learners reaching their goals and achieving their dreams, makes all the numbers meaningful. That’s what keeps her going and excited.