Champion of Literacy: Mark Peters

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Mark Peters has quietly but significantly established a new ethic on how to conduct business. As President and CEO of Butterball Farms, Inc. and co-founder of The Source, Mark recognized that business would thrive if employers took an active role in removing barriers for their employees. 

Longtime friend J.C. Huizenga recognizes Mark’s commitment to his own employees at Butterball. “He gave them job training, but more importantly he offered them help developing their life skills; literacy being one of the fundamental superpowers we all need for success.”

As a result of Mark’s leadership, the business practice of recognizing that employees are a company’s most important asset worthy of real investment has spread within our own community and throughout the country. Just this winter, Mark published a book on the topic: The Source: Using the Power of Collaboration to Stabilize your Workforce and Impact your Community.

Mark’s closest friend, Phil Grennan, has seen this caring ethos in Mark from their college days. “He’s always wanted to help people,”Phil writes. “That manifests itself in loving and supporting his daughter, and connecting with friends. Professionally it comes out in helping people to learn and grow.” 

Mark has long known and emphasized the connection between adult literacy and workforce development in our community. For over a decade, he has been one of the community’s strongest advocates for the Literacy Center’s mission. Rick Adamy led the Literacy Center board alongside Mark and writes, “Mark is on my short list of people with exceptional leadership qualities.” He goes on to add, “Combine that with his deep commitment to reading and education, and I know that the Literacy Center wouldn’t be where it is today without Mark.”