GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. – October 18, 2022 – The Literacy Center of West Michigan today announced that Maleika Joubert Brown, Ed.S., has been appointed to its 13-member board. Brown currently serves as the director of diversity, equity and inclusion for Grand Rapids Public Schools. Brown officially was voted in at the Literacy Center of West Michigan board meeting on Wednesday, September 28, for a term expiring September 27, 2025.
“The Literacy Center of West Michigan is elated to leverage Maleika Joubert Brown’s support and expertise to continue serving the more than 85,000 adults in Kent County who need English instruction,” said Wendy Falb, Ph.D., executive director, Literacy Center of West Michigan. “Maleika has a profound understanding of the systemic challenges that immigrants, refugees and underserved native speakers face every day as they navigate community networks like health care, education, transportation and employment.”
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