Now I Can: Access More Resources

Carries Class Summer 2018

Guest Blogger: Carrie Roper, IET Coordinator

Rosa Chen originally came to the Literacy Center for help with her English language skills. She quickly discovered, however, that we had many additional resources to help her pursue her goals.

One of Rosa’s goals was to improve her computer literacy skills. While we do integrate some computer practice into our community English classes, Rosa was looking for a more in-depth experience. Through the Literacy Center’s involvement with the Employment Services Collaborative, we were able to connect Rosa to our partners at the Women’s Resource Center. Rosa began attending their computer classes for women every Tuesday night.

Another goal of Rosa’s was to complete a job training program so that she could obtain a better job. Rosa heard about GRCC’s CNA program in one of her English classes and, after talking to the Literacy Center career coach, she decided to pursue a career in healthcare. Rosa worked one-on-one with a tutor who helped her develop her English language skills specific to the CNA program.

Rosa reports, “I learned a lot from the CNA class – and I liked the teacher a lot. She was a nurse with lots of experience. I liked the hands-on practice – learning how to care for and move people who can’t use their limbs.”

Since taking the class, Rosa has passed her certification exam and is now doing her orientation training at Spectrum Health’s new long term care facility.  For anyone interested in practicing English, Rosa encourages them to seek out the Literacy Center.

“[They have] good software for learning English in and outside of the class, and teachers who make learning fun.”