Now I Can Help My Children with Homework: Gonzalo's Story

Gonzalo Burton

Gonzalo is a learner in our tutoring program and takes English classes at his children's school with our family literacy program. He wrote about his experience. 

My name is Gonzalo Gonzalez.

I am from Guatemala. I was 19 years old when I came to America. I work for Ventra. I live near Buchanan elementary school. I am married and have 5 children. They are 3-5-7-9 and 11.

 When I first came to America I only spoke Spanish. It was hard at work and in school. My children went to Head Start. I had a translator to help in conferences. The school sent a paper about English classes. I went. Head Start asked if I would like to speak English and take classes. I said yes. I could help my children with their homework.

I liked to learn at the classes. It was hard to read and speak. I like my classes at the library with my tutor. I would like a better job and help my family. I want my children to do their best at school. I want to speak good English to my children.Thank you for having teachers that help us learn English.

Your support this year not only impacts Gonzalo, it also touches the lives of his five children. Please give generously to ensure that programs remain free for Gonzalo and the 800+ adult learners we instruct each year.