Rosalinda's Story: Making My Own Little Free Library

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Written by Rosalinda Cardenas, Learner

September 2019

My tutor and I read the story “Ten years Later Little Free Library Are Still Sparking Joy, Sharing Book.” The story was interesting. We decided to make a Little Free Library!

We looked at the web site for more information for the project. We looked for directions and a list of materials.

Jane had all materials at her house. She cut the wood.

The next step was send an email to the Literacy Center. We ask for a room to build it.

Now we start to build the Little Free Library. We put all materials on the table. Jane put the screws in the wood. I checked to make sure the wood was straight. We used glue and clamps. The clamps held the wood together while the glue dried. I filled the holes with wood putty.

Now all the pieces are together.

Before paint I put caulk on the wood to keep water out. I painted and had fun. Jane painted inside the house and looked happy. I put the knob in the door.

I put other color on the top of the white. Jane liked the green color. I painted the roof with pink paint. Pink is my favorite color!

We waited for the paint to dry. Then we painted pink designs on the house.

Jane put the roof in the house. Now the Little Free Library is done. We work together every Tuesday at the Literacy Center for 3 months.

The story will be continue…

September 2020

My tutor bring Little Free Library at my house. The next step is my husband and my son dug a hole for the library. I mix the cement. We put the library and the cement in the hole. I wait for it to dry and the next day I put the books for the families. The Little Free Library is finished!