As the family literacy coordinator, I am always looking for tools to help parents connect to schools. From Home to School is a supplementary resource filled with common scenarios that parents will encounter. Tutors have often mentioned the great discussions that happen with parent learners when going through the book.
Each lesson talks about problem-solving specific issues that families might face. The first lesson discusses getting to the bus on time and how to respond to notes from teachers. Other lessons focus on medical resources, school discipline, and ways to be successful in school. One of the strengths of this resource is that it is organized around learner’s experiences.
When choosing supplementary books, it is good to be mindful of how these books can also build speaking and listening skills. The Literacy book in the series covers listening exercises that can benefit the learner. This skillset is particularly necessary when considering the needs that learners have in interacting with their child’s teachers.
This series is an excellent addition to your lessons if your learner has family literacy goals. If you’re looking for something that will help your learner as a parent, I strongly suggest From Home to School. The series has books at three different levels that would be of use to all learners.