May's A-Z Textbook Series

May 2018

Novel Scenes | Introduction to Low Intermediate

Blogger: Katherine Payne (Literacy Coordinator)

For English language learners first starting out with their English literacy skills, it can be difficult to find reading materials appropriate for their ability and interests.

The traditional adult literacy workbook addresses everyday literacy skills necessary for survival in the community and the workplace, but it may miss the mark on exciting and engaging subject matter. For tutoring pairs interested in reading short stories, but need the structure of a workbook, Novel Scenes is the perfect fit.

With four levels covering the distinct experiences and obstacles of navigating daily life in the United States, Novel Scenes is a textbook series that focuses on reading comprehension skills for English language learners. Each chapter starts with a short reading passage that follows the life of one main character, building in complexity as you read each chapter. The stories reflect the experiences of those who newly arrive in the States, along with community and workplace ethics issues that settled immigrants and refugees might be expected to solve. 

Once learners have read this passage, they are asked to complete comprehension questions, vocabulary building, and spelling exercises, and to build conversation skills through practice dialogue and structured questions. For learners looking to build listening skills, a CD is included to support the text and exercises. A unique benefit of using this text is its incorporation of reading comprehension skills such as sequencing, relating background knowledge/experiences, and identifying facts.

With levels ranging from Introductory to Low Intermediate, Novel Scenes allows beginning level learners to read topics of high interest and relevance to them. With the support of their tutors, learners can navigate the stories situations in a safe space, which in turn allow them to be comfortable enough to share their own perspectives or experiences.

The Novel Scenes series is available through the Literacy Center’s Materials Library. Any interested tutors are encouraged to ask their Coordinator for further details.