July's Featured Supplementary Material

July Family Conversation Pack

Table Topics Present | Family Conversation Pack

Blogger: Thomas Rodgers (Literacy Coordinator)

We are pleased to share with you the newest addition to our library: Table Topics Family Conversation Pack.

The Family Conversation Pack features flashcards with open-ended questions that lead to great dialogue, covering topics such as heroes, travel, and issues such as values and personality. Learners who would like to build their skills through natural conversation will undoubtedly benefit from using these discussion starters.

In the process of answering the prompts with your learner, you are modeling and providing vocabulary, sentence structure, and contextual references through a casual method. Which in turn helps your learner utilize those same skills in their responses.

Additionally, these questions can help navigate differences in cultural experiences. If you and your learner have a particularly effective dialogue, you could even turn the answer into a written piece.

As the questions tackle a variety of topics, each card may be more or less appropriate for different learner levels. Some questions are more lighthearted such as “Who’s the funniest person on TV?” Other questions wrestle with deeper issues such as “If you were a scientist, what problem would you work on?”

If you are looking to liven up your lessons and believe this would contribute to great conversations, please feel free to check out a Family Conversation Pack from our tutor library at the Literacy Center.