Does your learner have a voracious appetite for knowledge that is difficult to quench?
For some first-time tutors, coming up with lessons that consistently engage learners' literacy goals can feel like a daunting task. With so many available resources, it's easy to feel overwhelmed.
This is why we decided to showcase Cambridge University Press's high-interest, real-life topic series, Ventures. At its core, Ventures is a five-level, standards-based English language learning series for adults.
This series includes a comprehensive teacher's manual, a student workbook, an accompanying self-study CD, and the main Unit Workbook. The five levels, which are Basic through Level Four, are for low-beginning literacy to high-intermediate learners.
The Literacy Center recommends Ventures for not only the structure and organization it provides lesson planning, but for the series' flexibility and multi-level features which make it ideal for one-on-one tutoring sessions. When tutors use Ventures, they work through two-page lessons designed for an hour of instruction. The second hour of the tutoring session can then be dedicated to other readings or strategies to build other literacy skills.
Each level provides learners with opportunities to learn how to communicate in various community settings. The content of the units includes themes on personal information, work scenarios, healthy habits, finding a job, or planning a vacation. Ventures uses a variety of images and games that can be engaging for learners. It also exposes learners to different text types including maps, short articles, graphic organizers, and tables that can help them with real-life scenarios. The audio CD component is beneficial for learners seeking structured practice to develop listening skills at home.
If you are unsure which level is appropriate for your learner, please feel free to ask your coordinator for assistance.